I took a brief break this weekend from the fire burning in my backyard (1.5 miles away) and went to South Pasadena (just down the street). I was on the hunt for an antique postcard to use in my advertising for my upcoming events (going to be a busy fall, too.)
Anyway, into the antique store I went and I found a stack of Zito prints taken out of a book. I flipped through knowing that I would find Scotties and sure enough, three. Such an easy sale.
I then proceeded to spend a half an hour looking through a huge box of antique cards from California. I did not find what I was looking for; however, I think it was worth my time as I found this ink blotter mixed into the cards.

Finally, I was checking out and the proprietor mentioned that she had some Scottie pins, if I was interested. There were several to choose from, I left most of them for other collectors and came home with these three in their colorful hats.
The fires have moved away from my neighborhood into the mountains. Still a lot of smoke and ash, but the dogs and I are safe.